Artistic Goal Setting with Melissa Mitchem!

Meet Melissa! 

She is an actor and writer based in New Jersey! Melissa and I had a fantastic conversation about our goals, how they shift as we transition through our artistic journey, and what we hope to share with others as they pursue their own growth! 


Melissa has a big goal to finish a play and host a reading, and I love that she calls out that clear and concise goal. 

This stuck out to me because truly what each of us is striving towards is traction within our goals, and this idea can be fleeting as we walk a often difficult path. In order to continue in our journey we need confidence.This confidence comes from a knowledge or evidence that we can do this! For example, if you’re trying to strengthen a muscle you begin lifting weights or testing the muscle. Guess what? You won’t get results in one day, but you know you’ll look for them anyway. When you see that you haven’t achieved your goal in 24 hours it can be easy to quit. But when you’ve consistently lifted weights for 3 months and you start to see the fruits of your labor it is much easier to show up when things get hard. This is because you know you are capable of creating change. Melissa is a perfect example of calling your shot. This clarity is KEY because she will be able to measure traction as she continues in her journey, and therefore building confidence.

Another moment that caught my attention was her answer to “How have your goals changed over time?” Melissa shared that in college her goals became more realistic, more grounded in what it takes to succeed in the industry.

I’m curious if in this realization we can find joy. Let me explain. Sometimes when our dreams are brought down to a real world level we can be discouraged, but I’m interested in another option. What if this was exciting? What if instead of being discouraged by reality we could be energized by it? Remember, this means that it is real. It’s feasible. If we do the work, if we show up again and again. It is possible. It’s the difference between imagining your dream trip to Paris and buying the plane ticket. My hope is that heARTwork U can give you the tools to board that flight.

When I asked Melissa to share some advice about goal setting, she said “Remember why you wanted to do this in the first place, go back to that original spark that made you like it”. This is SO important. Your why is EVERYTHING. 

If you’ve ever been in an Acting Class you’ve probably heard the phrase “Raise the Stakes”. While this tired phrase can seem unimportant it is key in goal setting. If you want to save $50,000 to buy a car so that you can drive to a job you don’t really enjoy, my guess is that you’re not going to be terribly energized. But if you want to save $50,000 because then you can pay off your student loans AND change the identity of your family’s financial future AND ultimately be able to give back to causes you believe will change the world; well that’s certainly easier to get behind. Defining and checking in with your “Why” is your gas in the tank. 

This is also connected to a phrase I learned in my own personal development journey  “Hope is not a strategy”. I love it! And I agree, you cannot attack your goals with hope alone. Setting up achievable steps and strategies that are foolproof is key to success. However, Hope is your fuel. Your Hope and your Why are very much connected. They will light your heart on fire when the going gets tough. They are what will push you for one more mile, for one more minute, for one more round. Melissa was spot on when she shared her advice, and my question for you is, what is your why? How often do you check in with it? Is it serving you?

To wrap things up, I asked Melissa “What advice would you give your 18 year old self?” 

Her answer is the perfect conclusion to our discussion. 

“Be a little louder. You are worth being seen”

You have the power to define your future. No matter the circumstance you get to determine your attitude and your effort. 

So show up for yourself. 

Show up for your why. 

You are worth the work.

Thank you for reading heARTwork U’s educational interview!

Need some help defining your why and setting your goals? Check out our guide to defining your Core Values and setting your Goals for the new year!

Kara Jonsson